Our Merchandising Team is Working Hard For You Everyday

Our core product strategy is in continuous development to be sure you always have the “best of the best” product mix in carpet and hard surfaces. This not only saves you time but more importantly, money.

Our Goals

• Bring you the latest product innovations
• Develop a focused assortment of core products
• Cover all constructions, fiber types and categories
• Strive to pick the best products that will sell
• Merchandise select products that will generate sales
• Maximize space by consolidating products & displays
• Help you focus on selling by removing the headache of buying!

Analyzing the Industry, Trends and Product Innovations

Our marketing and merchandising team analyze the industry, market trends and product innovations, to determine the best suppliers for our group. Keeping our members on the forefront of product advancements is an absolute key to our success, giving us all a competitive advantage.

Professional, Coordinated Showroom

• Elegant, furniture quality displays
• Clean & sophisticated retail distinction
• Unique collection of styles & colors
• The latest, product technology & value-added benefits
• Complete selling stories & visual merchandising concepts